Val Thorens 2003

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Good pictures of all the guys, posing to the camera...
You take one Dea...
And then you add Efi...
Throw in some Ron to the mix...
And finally add Shaul. Is everyone happy?
Hello Shay!
Shay & Me, in a picture that's a little blurry...
Michal, in one of her few photos...
Am I cool or what?
E & J
E & E

The chair lift

I dunno why, but I seem to take too much of those chair lift photos. I guess it's simply a good time to take out the camera and shoot...
Shay, Eran and Rita
Keren, Shaul and Shay
Emily being silly...
And seems to enjoy it.
This time it's only Shay.
The chair lift that goes over the club.
Heya. Most of the group is back there, you just need to look hard.

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